Can't remember the last time I blogged.
Thought I woulda' got deleted by now. Any HOOO!
Had a good easy MTB ride on the St.Kitts single track trails. Misfit was rollin' good.
Great trails for the end of Oct. We are so lucky to have such awesome trails just out our doors.
Sadly no CX this week end. Gone out of town on business. But I might sneak back for Sunday @ Kelso though.
Interested to see how a race with an additional 19 gears goes.
Training in the rain tomorrow will be gloriously craptactular but fun. No one ever rides in the rain enough to fully appreciate it.
More blogging to follow in the future. Hopefully pics too.
A little trip to the archives of my 7 year old computer to clog up the internet a bit more for ya.
Name that celebrity with mechanical failure.