Saturday, March 6, 2010

Is it FIXED or Broken?

SO I got ready for a ride saturday by throwing a track cog on the left side of my back wheel and flippin it over. I went with the same sized cog as the free wheel I've been rockin since I got my Kona Major One at the Squeezer.

I rode fixed before, so it didn't take long for me to get used to it. After a couple self kicks in the ass I remembered I couldn't stop pedaling.

42X18 is probably the borderline for small gearing and riding in a group. I was able to keep up to a pace of 30-32 km/h. Anything over that for an extended period was pushin' it. Under that was more comfortable.

I headed up to meet the SHCC gang at the Dump @ Brock University

Got there right on time and rolled out with Tom M, Keith F, and Val and Tim T.

We did a great ride out to Smithville.
Into the wind or a cross wind all the way. It was a chore for me to keep the pace high. But we stayed together and got there in one piece.
I kinda held the group back a bit on the way back down wind. I could only push it up to 32 km/h most of the way. Until we got to the hill at Rockway, then I told them to go ahead as I couldn't descend as fast as them.

Going down the hill was the funnest part of the ride though. Spinning my feet at about 200 rpm trying to keep from bouncing is pretty Freaky! It makes me laugh out loud.

So would I recommend riding a fixed gear bike to anyone? You betcha! It was hard but it was fun too. It wouldn't be as much of a challenge to just ride a geared bike 100 km

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