Alas it is New Years Eve for me and my 2010 cycling year. The dawn of my training for next season is here.
Official training starts early afternoon, with a minimum 1 hour ride in the freezing cold that is upon the region. The purpose of the ride is to open up the legs and get the lungs working for Sunday's CX race in Cambridge. Only a fun race it will be, but I at least wanna be able to mix it up with the crowd and get some good chest mounted digi cam action to share.
Goals for the 2010 season will be to race more and to hit the podium more. Defined goals are not yet set but will be up and posted before the end of the regular calendar year.
Additional motivation will come from the addition of the R.A.C.E.R. program with the Short Hills Cycling Club, of which I plan on joining before the end of the year as well.
It should be interesting to see how things pan out with the club. A bit of a different slant in the program will come from me, seeing as I am the only full time Single Speeder on the team. Therefore having a different set of competitors to face.
I am not sure Single Speed is an easier category to race in and do well. Thus the early integration of my training program and plans for the new year.
With all my will power and determination I will be stepping up my cross training and actually doing exercises besides riding. I'm talkin' about the really boring ones like core work and fighting the forces of gravity whilst lifting ferrous materials (i.e. weights). Possibly even getting into the gym and participating in Brad Andersons Boot camp. Imagine that, actually using the free membership, to Premier Fitness that I got from Brad at the Spring 8 hour relay, racing with the Thorold Trail Hogs.
O! it's gonna be a killer year. And the reason I say that is because last year was Awesome for me and I really didn't start training in earnest until July 1st. And even then I only rode my bike lots and stuck to a mini poriodization training plan.
I won' bore anyone any longer with my thoughts and dreams. But I will say that another one of my resolutions is to take more pictures of all the mayhem and misadventures I will be sure to encounter in the coming months while spinning around.
For tomorrow, run a couple more teeth out back than usual, it's quite tough in some of the deeper snow.