A great way to start the day. Cinnamon raisin bagel with PC Nutella and some Kicking Hourse Kick Ass fresh ground coffee in the press pot. Maybe it'll get me going.
So motivation in the Single Speeder camp has been real low now a days.
Leading to an extended break from the bike . I guess you could say.
Last week I rode to work a couple times. Total distance 20 km for the whole week.
This week I hit the rollers for a quick warm up then decided to head out to the canal path for a ride.
I jumped on the Kona and headed out on the streets to get over to the Rootbeer creek path up to Thorold. Unfortunately mother nature had other plans for my ride. The temp was around -6 and by the time I got the the Garden City arena my freewheel was starting to freeze on the free option. I guess the lack of maintenance after the Hespler Cx race had caught up to me. The pawls were freezing down and not engaging when I went to pedal. I barely made it home.
Lesson #1 of the new training season. "Bike maintenance is more important in bad weather." Now I see how good riding the fixie in the winter really is. I guess the flip flop hub is gonna get some use real soon.
Other than that things have been pretty SLACK around here. I did 10 sit ups the other day. And I watched a few core work out videos on youtube. So I'm at least thinking of working out. We will see what the coming weeks brings about as far as getting in shape for next year.
The reading of Chris Carmichaels "Time Crunched Cyclist" is going well. I can kinda identify with most of it so far. It sounds like the way I was training for last years CX season. Pretty good reading and learning. Planting the seeds for 2010.
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