I left the house just after 5, so it was starting to get dark. My light was still on my helmet and there was plenty of charge left in the battery, so riding in the dark was no problem.
I went over to my mini CX interval park.

I planned on doing high output, fast paced intervals. 3X 3 laps and 3 min rest in between.
The little park is a great place for cx riding. It has real smooth grass and is cut short all the time. There is lots of little trees to serve as 180 corner posts. There is about 20 yards of elevation change with a big off camber slope. I do a run up of your typical length, about 30 yards. The length of the straight is about 150 yards. There is a bigger section on the other side of Geneva st. that I can also link up to. But under the bridge was real muddy, with big ruts. And I wasn't planning on going down and hitting the fence.
After some stretching, I start the 1st interval from a stand still and count down just like a real CX race. I sprint for as long as I can. Usually till I get into the series of 6 180 degree turns with 2 being down hill. Great for practicing my cornering skills. A bit of a climb up across and then a down hill off camber turn into a quick 180. A long off camber sprint down then up around the culvert into a 180 back down the hill. High speed dismount into the run up, shouldering the bike and going as hard as I can. Remount and 180 back down through the trees a bit to a 180 and back up the slope to a 90, over to a 180 and then do it all over again.
By about the 3rd lap my legs are feeling the burn and my lungs are crying out for help. Kinda like some one stuck 2 butter knives in my back.
Just as I was finishing my last lap, I see some drunk dude staggering down the side walk. I didn't pay any attention to him. I just cooled down a bit and started to do my 2nd round. So I start hammering along and then buddy decided he need to talk to me. So he comes out onto my course and starts yellin' "Hey Mister! Can I ask you somethin'? Hey mister!" But I kinda ignored him and kept on riding ocasionally asking asking what he wanted as I passed him. "Do you have a 45 magnum or a shot gun that I can have? I need you to kill me!" I'm like WTF! And I just kept on riding until I finished my interval. Then I grabbed my water bottle and got outta there. Damn guy spoiled a good work out I had going.
So I rode over to Burgoyne Woods to do some more work. It was more secluded so I had no interuptions. I finished a quick 3 laps and headed back over to my CX park on Geneva.
Ended up doing a quick 2 more laps and found I was all outta gas for more laps. So I collected my stuff and hit the road home.
By the time I got over to Colligate High school, I decided I should do some more sprint work on the track. So I started like a CX race and sprinted for 20 seconds then rest for 10. X 7 I think it called Tabata intervals. It's supposed to help my Lactose acid tolerance. I don't know. But it's a good work out and I find it helps me ready my legs and lungs for CX racing. I'll usually do a few like this the day before a race. Not that I am racing tomorrow.
Just a couple blocks ride home from there and a bit of cool down laps on my street.
I think I'll just do a recovery ride tomorrow. Easy 1 hour ride with no heavy breathing, or maybe get into a good group trail ride, and just take it easy.
I guess I'll just have to see how my legs feel tomorrow after work.
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